Performance School

The Lacrosse Performance School is the perfect way to prepare for the spring lacrosse season. The program is a combination of lacrosse specific high intensity strength, speed and agility training and lacrosse skill sharpening.

Designed to get as many reps as possible in 1 hour. The first 30 minutes will consist of a high-intensity interval training workout to improve on strength, speed and agility. The last 30 minutes will consist of drills focusing on footwork and stickskills. There is no better training any lacrosse player in the area.

  • Times

    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

  • Dates

    Session 1:  December 3, 10, 17 January 7, 14 

    Session 2: January 21, 28 February 4, 11, 18

  • Player Fee


  • Ages

    5th - 12th Grade


  • Location

    InLine Morristown, 30 Pine Street, Morristown, NJ

  • Coaches

    Jack Margiotta